The protection of your personal data is important to us!

With its current policy, the company “” (hereinafter Company), determines and discloses the terms under which, acting as defined by law as “Data Processor”, collects, stores, uses and generally processes personal data which it collects when you visit, register or use the Company’s websites.

This Privacy Policy also describes how you use, disclose and protect your personal data, the options you have regarding your personal data, and how you can contact us. This Protection Policy is in accordance with the terms of Regulation 2016/679 / EU and any other relevant applicable, national or EU legislation.

The Company strictly adheres to a specific security policy, including the Data Processing Policy and Ensuring the Confidentiality of Communications. The Company takes all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality of the User / Customer communications and to protect the Personal Data he/she has declared to the Company in accordance with the relevant legislation, the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy and its Communication & Privacy Policy (Security Policy) that it adheres to. The Company does not guarantee the security of data transmitted through networks, to the extent that its protection is not achieved by taking appropriate security measures imposed by the relevant institutional and / or regulatory framework.

If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of processing of personal data provided in this section, must not use the services of this website and delete the account (if available) that he/she maintains with us.

Relevant Legislation

The collection, storage and maintenance of up-to-date contact information is done with the sole purpose of verifying the submitted data, of ensuring the continuity of services and of servicing the users / customers of the company, within the framework of the company’s data operation and security regulations and also its conventional and legal obligations to provide satisfactory services to its users / customers. The Company provides services of ………………………………………………… ..

The Company Security Policy is based on:

  • the relevant provisions of national law on the Protection of Personal Data and the safeguarding of the Confidentiality of Communications
  • the Regulations for Ensuring the Confidentiality of Communications of the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy
  • the relevant provisions of Community Law (European General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR – 2016/679).

The relevant texts are publicly available on the respective websites of the competent supervisory / control Authorities, ie the Data Protection Authority (, the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy ( and the National Telecommunications & Post Commission ( In any case, our company’s privacy policy is governed by these provisions and is updated on a regular basis, depending on developments in technology and current legislation.

The visitors as well as the registered members in the services of the website, subject to the provisions of:

  • the national law (Law 3471/2006 “on protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications”, of Law 2472/1997, as amended and in force of the European law: directives 95/46 / EC – 97/66 / EC and European General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR: EU 2016/679), agree and accept the processing of personal data in accordance with what is described in this statement.

Information about the data we collect

Data we collect

Any internet user visiting the website is not required to submit personal information to use the website.

If the visitor wishes to fill in the contact form of, he/she will be asked to state the following information:

  • name and surname
  • name of the organization (if it represents a legal entity)
  • city of residence or headquarters of the organization
  • landline and / or mobile phone
  • email address

If you choose to contact us using the contact form or an email link, none of the data you provide will be stored on this website or transferred or processed by any third party data processor as defined below in the section “Our third party data processors”. Instead, this data will be sent to us via a SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) protocol. Our SMTP servers are protected by a TLS security protocol (sometimes known as SSL), meaning that email content is encrypted before being sent over the Internet. The content of the email is decrypted by our local computers and devices.

If the visitor wishes to obtain the services of the Company he/she will be asked to state the following information:

  • name and surname
  • name of organization (if it represents a legal entity)
  • email address

If the visitor wishes to take part in only any of the updates (eg newsletter), events or activities taking place on this website he/she should only state his/her email address. If he/she chooses to subscribe to the newsletter, the email address he/she submits will be forwarded to the MailChimp platform which provides email marketing services to us.

MailChimp is a third party data processor. The email address you submit will not be stored in the website database or in any of our computer systems.

The visitor’s email address will remain in the MailChimp Database as long as we continue to use MailChimp’s services or until you explicitly request its removal from the list. This can be done by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of all the newsletters we send you. As long as your email address remains in the MailChimp database, you will receive from us regular email updates.

The Company may keep on file and process the personal data that will receive after clear information and consent of the data subject, for a specific purpose, for a specific duration and with safety.

Purpose of data collection

This website collects and uses personal information for the following reasons:


Monitor site visiting statistics

Like most websites, our website uses Google Analytics (GA) to monitor users’ activity. We use this data to determine the number of people who use our site, in order to understand better how they find and use our web pages and to see their activity within the site. Although GA records data such as your geographical location, your device, your web browser and your operating system, none of this information is made known to us personally. GA also records your computer’s IP address, which could be used to identify you, but Google does not give us access to it. We believe that Google is a third party data processor that complies with the requirements of European law.

Data retention time

The personal data is kept secure for as long as the User is registered in a service of and is deleted after the end of the transaction with or if in any way this is requested by the user.

Disclosure of personal data

The Company, in the context of the operation of its website https: //, expressly states that the data of any kind, which is collected through this website is completely confidential and will not be sold, rented, transferred or disclosed to any party and for any reason other than a few, specific Organizations where it is absolutely necessary to provide the service that the user will acquire:


  • At a tax office for our bookkeeping and the record of the relevant accounting entries in the competent public services.
  • Upon a court or prosecutorial order or a request from a police authority to conduct an investigation.

The Company does not have a publicly accessible list of email addresses or other details of its users.

The Company considers the requests completed by its users and the emails sent through its services confidential and does not transfer their content other than the directly interested recipient and a competent judicial / prosecutorial authority in accordance with the law, if requested or in case that the content of the message is considered to be infringing or related to illegal activities.

The Company’s employees may need to process each email in collaboration with its technical department. If a user asks for help from a Company employee for any matter concerning the services he/she has acquired from, then the representative will have access to part or all (depending on his rating) the range of technical and online information relevant to the user’s request.


Consent of the subject to the data processing

The consent of the personal data subject on the website is one of the legal bases for processing within the framework of the EU GDPR, and in the Company it has the following essential characteristics:

  • Unbundled: consent requests are separate from other terms and conditions. Consent is not a precondition of signing up to a service unless necessary for that service.
  • Active consent: we do not use pre- ticked checkboxes but unticked opt-in boxes or similar active opt-in methods (eg a binary option according to preference).
  • Very specific: we give detailed options for individual consent to different types of processing, where needed.
  • Nominal: we name our organization and any third parties (where required) that will be based on user’s consent.
  • Easy to withdraw: we tell our users they have the right to withdraw their consent at any time and how to do so, having made it as easy for them to withdraw as to give consent by simple and effective consent and withdrawal mechanisms.
  • Equality: there is no imbalance in the relationship between the individual and the Company, and the rights of both are protected and secured to the highest degree in order to achieve the purpose of both (acquisition and use of services and provision of services respectively).


We know and have proven to protect all legal rights of the subject protected by the GDPR. We provide:

  • Right to information /Transparency:

It is the right to know who is processing your data, what it is and for what reason.

  • Right of access: You have the right to request free access to your personal data that we collect.
  • Right of correction: You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data and the completion of incomplete data.
  • Right of deletion (“right to be forgotten”): You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data under certain conditions, such as when the data is no longer needed, you have revoked your consent, the data has been illegally processed, etc.
  • Right to restrict processing: You have the right to request a restriction on the processing of your personal data when its accuracy is in question, processing is illegal, the data is no longer needed by the data processor or you have objections to automated processing.
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to request the transfer of your data to another data processor.
  • Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by an organization, provided that the public interest is not harmed.
  • Right to human intervention: The data subject shall have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning them or similarly significantly affects them.

If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding the management or the protection of your personal data by the Company or if you wish to modify your personal data or exercise any of your rights as a data subject, please contact us at

We respond to the requests of the subjects within the stipulated time frame.

Security measures for data protection

How we protect personal data

Data protection planning refers to the collection of data by users, the storage of data, the transmission of data requested by users and the management of data by its employees in the performance of their assigned tasks only under the conditions provided by the Company.

All data recorded and hosted on the Company’s infrastructure is stored on the server of the website that is protected by the highest possible levels of security measures. More specifically:

Access to our offices and computers is limited to the Company’s employees.

Storing and access the passwords used by employees to access websites, locally installed applications and administration services and servers is done in a secure way, through encryption.

We have antivirus software installed on all our computers, which is always valid and up-to-date, to help prevent threats such as viruses, ransomware and malware in general, and we use only legally acquired or open source software.

A specific subset of employees in the Company has access to the data of our users wherever and to the extent that is deemed absolutely necessary.

All employees have been briefed on the security and the handling of personal data.

The passwords of the users in the administration of our website are stored encrypted.

The handling of email is done through the protocol and none of the data you provide will be stored on the website nysystudios.gror will be transferred or processed by any third party data processor.

SMTP servers are protected by a TLS security protocol, which means that email content is encrypted before being sent over the Internet.

The content of the email is decrypted by our local computers and devices.

The email services used are provided through DNHOST and Google (GMAIL) servers that comply with the GDPR.

The Newsletter service is performed through the servers of the MAILCHIMP hosting provider which complies with the GDPR regulation.

  • DNHSOT (Privacy Policy)
  • Google (Privacy Policy)
  • Mailchimp (Privacy Policy)

The website, email servers and newsletter server operate in HTTPS:// environment with the coverage of a special SSL certificate which proves that all data circulated through the contact form and the Newsletter form, are encrypted.

The regular application of the latest (and constant) software updates is observed, and especially the security updates, service packs and hotfixes, as soon as they are published, as a necessary security condition of our entire IT system (office computers and servers).

Monitoring the operation of our services and detecting malicious actions in real-time is a catalyst for the prevention and response to security incidents on the servers hosted on our network.

The website server and the provider’s network are protected by the following security measures:

  • ………………………
  • ………………………

Managing personal data breach

According to art. 33 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679,, in case of violation of personal data which may endanger the rights and freedoms of the individuals the incident regards, will notify the said incident to Personal Data Protection Authority.

This notification must be made without delay within 72 hours from the time the Company is informed about the incident. The notification will contain a set of relevant information (nature / extent of the incident, categories of individuals affected, cause and effect, actions taken to address it, etc.).

Even if this relevant information is not all available at the time of submission of the notification, it will be submitted as an initial and will be updated in the future, without undue delay (by submitting an additional notification).

Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy of the Company

The term “cookie” refers to a small data file that consists solely of a series of textual information that the website transfers to the web browser on your computer’s hard drive, either temporarily throughout your visit, or sometimes for longer periods, depending on the type of cookie.

Cookies perform different operations (for example, you are distinguished from other site’s visitors or remember certain information about you, such as your preferences) and they are used by most websites to enhance your user experience.

Each cookie is unique to your browser and contains some anonymous information. A cookie typically contains the name of the cookie field, the cookie’s lifetime and a value (usually in the form of a randomly generated unique number).

The user has the ability at any time to configure his/her computer to accept the existence of cookies, to be notified when a cookie is issued or to reject the installation of cookies. In case the user has set his/her browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari etc.) to reject cookies, he/she can browse the Company’s site anonymously, until the moment he/she will need to fill in some of the forms and their acceptance is necessary.

Cookie settings for browsers & devices

To manage your cookies, please select your browser from the list below and follow the instructions:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Opera

Mobile devices:

  • Android
  • Safari
  • Windows Phone

You can control and / or delete cookies according to your wishes. More details can be found here: You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer, as well as configure most browsers to prevent the installation of cookies.

However, in this case, you may need to adjust some preferences yourself each time you visit a site, and also some services may not work.

Google Analytics cookies

Google Analytics cookies are performance analysis / logging cookies that allow us to collect anonymous information about how visitors use our site. These cookies inform us about how many visitors use the website, the time and duration of access, and also provide information on the way visitors navigate to different parts of the website.

This information helps us to improve the way our website works. The information is anonymous and does not contain personal data.

The information about our website is collected by Google Analytics cookies and is transferred and stored on Google servers in accordance with Google’s privacy policy.

For more information about Google Analytics, please click here.

You can turn off tracking from Google Analytics by clicking here.

If you disable these cookies, your use of the website will not be counted, nor will it be used in the statistics we collect to improve the services we provide through the website. The operation of the site will not be affected.

Cookies from video service providers (Google, Vimeo, Dailymotion etc)

These providers can place cookies on your device, if you watch on our website videos that provide us as an external service.

If you disable these cookies, you may not be able to view the embedded videos from our site.

Cookies from social networks

Third-party social networks can place cookies on your device if you choose to share a web page of our site with another third-party Social Network site, by clicking on one of the “share” buttons.

Facebook pixel policy

We have installed the Facebook pixel code on our website in order to record information about how visitors use our site, to send targeted ads to specific audiences, and to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

We ask for and receive user’s consent before Facebook can monitor a user’s activity on our site, with an instant consent message on our website (cookie acceptance request) to change the way the Facebook pixel is activated at that time.

Links to other sites

Please note that the Company’s website may contain links to other websites governed by other privacy statements, the content of which may differ from this Privacy Statement. Please review the privacy policy of each site you visit before disclosing any personal information. Please review the privacy policy of each site you visit before disclosing any personal information.

If you do not agree with the above personal data processing policy, you must not use the services of this website and delete the account (if available).

For users under 18 years of age, the prior consent of the parents / guardians is considered as given in each case of declaration of personal data on the website of

The Company has the right to change this data policy, always in accordance with the Laws and the national and European law.

The person responsible for the protection of information and data of the website is Vivi Letsou with contact details, tel.:
+30 210 3232004, email: