500 Hour Abhaya Yoga

Advanced Teachers Diploma

Branch Out

200 Hour Yoga Teachers:  Elect 300 hours of Higher Education Courses

300 Hour Yoga Teachers:  Elect 200 hours of Higher Education Courses

Receive Training in different types of Yoga

Specialized Teaching for special ages, levels, needs

Branch out so you can Blossom as a highly skilled, well trained Yoga Teacher

Continuing Education Retreats & Trainings for Yoga Teachers of all levels of experience.

In 2021 most of these courses will be offered by NYSY Academy LIVE through Retreats at Zen Rocks. You can also stay outside the Retreat and attend in person. Or attend through Zoom.


Advanced Teachers Diploma

    • Higher Education for Yoga Teachers –Any Modules can be taken in any order

      Teaching Skills #401    Vinyasa Training with Libby Love, 33 hours

      Teaching Skils #402    Ayurveda Training for Yoga & Movement Teachers, 33 hours,

      Teaching Skills #403    Vinyasa Krama Yoga Training, 33 hours

      Teaching Skills #404    Patanjali Ashtanga & Vinyasa Krama Yoga, Thanasis & Nancy, 33 hours 


      Higher Education for Teaching Special Populations

      Teaching Skils #500    Advanced Therapeutics through Yoga

      Teaching Skils #501    Pre and Post Natal Yoga with Sue Elkind

      Teaching Skils #502    Yoga for the Silver Age and Senior populations

      Teaching Skils #503    Abhaya KidsYoga

      Teaching Skills #504    Abhaya Yoga for Menopause, and Feminine hormonal changes

      Therapy Training #505  –Therapeutics on Fascia & Embodiment

    • Send in your application to info@nysystudios.com
    • Interview with an Abhaya Faculty teacher/mentor
    • Wait for admission email from NYSY Academy
    • Select Area of Focus with your mentor
    • Attend courses & retreats related to your area of focus
    • Create a project on your area of focus applying what you have learned
    • Write a thesis or report
    • Maintain rapport with your Abhaya Faculty mentor and receive feedback
    • Present your project to the Abhaya Faculty team
    • Your mentor may ask you to make changes or explain necessary steps for completion

Individual Fees for each Course apply.


For 200 and 300 Hour Yoga Graduates from any accredited program

After application & acceptance into the 500 Hour Blossom Program 


There will be a cost for the time spent with your Mentor or Teaching Coach,

to be assessed at the time of your application & admission into the program.


Full Program Attendance

Successful Completion of Projects

Communication with your mentor

Project of Specialization:

  1. You will teach in the area of your chosen specialization, to an individual or a group, (i.e. Kidsyoga, Yoga Therapy, Abhaya Yoga for Athletes, Prenatal yoga, etc.) 
  2. You will present a presentation (a class demonstration, and a 10 page paper)
  3. Improve, modify until the final approval of your project by your mentor


50 Hours of Volunteer work in a program of your choice, benefiting other beings.

Upon successful completion of requirements

A Thesis Paper on your area of Specialization

Approval of your materials and performance by your Mentor


You will obtain the following Certification:


NYSY Academy of Hatha Yoga:           500 Hour Yoga Advanced Teachers Diploma

                                                            In Abhaya Yoga or

Area of Your Specialization


Yoga Alliance:                                     500 Hour E-RYT Hatha Yoga Certification




Work as a Volunteer Worker Volunteer Yoga Teacher

Take action and make a difference!

As you step out into the world, during and after your studies, before you enroll into a 500 Hour Program, take the time to offer your services as a volunteer. 

If you have followed the Tree of Studies of Abhaya Yoga and NYSY Academy, you have probably already volunteered and made a difference in someone’s world.  Congratulations!

For Yoga Teachers from other schools, as you join the Abhaya Yoga Study Path, and before graduating from our 500 Hour Advanced Yoga Teachers Course, please experience the joy of offering your time and work as a volunteer in a cause of your choice. 


Abhaya Action

The most fulfilling and powerful part of this teacher training program for me, was the chance I had to volunteer and get close to people that I would not have a chance to meet otherwise. I have learned so much and connected so deeply, that I felt it was me who was benefiting from it. They gave me so much joy. I had never felt my heart so open before!

Now you are ready to Blossom as a

Strong, Highly Skilled, Confident and Compassioante

Abhaya Yoga Teacher



Welcome to our Powerful Abhaya Yoga Team!


Empowerment: Experience it. Teach it.